About Us
BSmartR exists to help make manufacturing great.
Manufacturing is a fascinating industry which offers so much potential. We help you understand, simplify and improve your processes. We ensure that you are investing in the right technology and that you are going to get value from it. Most of all we believe that success is all about people and that a skilled, happy and empowered workforce will deliver results beyond expectations – everything we do is focussed around this.
BSmartR offers a systematic, data driven approach but with a focus on hearts and minds that helps organisations improve their day-to-day operations, de-risk investment and create a collaborative culture of continuous improvement. We will be your sage and ensure we are there to help you win.
We believe is critical to start any change project – from simple process improvements to significant investments in equipment or technology – with a solid foundation to build upon and that it is worth spending time getting the ‘basics’ in place first, specifically:
- A common language of improvement
- Good workplace organisation/house keeping
- Cross-functional understanding of the current state
- Aligned future vision
We can help by facilitating sessions and sharing our experience that will ensure you have solid foundations in place, are focusing on the right areas and engaging the right people for improvement. Great value is also gained as a result of the conversations and the teambuilding that takes place by allowing time to discuss important matters in a safe environment away from the day-to-day routines and challenges. This cross-functional approach fosters a collaborative culture where people can share challenges, build knowledge, and identify ways to streamline processes – ultimately improving value flow across the entire organization.
An aligned, engaged and empowered workforce will always be greater than the sum of their parts.
What We Do
A Common Language of Imporvement
Introducing the principles of what makes a good process and teaching some basic problem-solving tools.
Key takeaways will be the appreciation of customer value, understanding flow and pull systems, being able to identify and reduce or eliminate non-value adding activities.
Good Workplace Organisation/House Keeping
Good workplace organisation not only creates a cleaner and safer environment – it makes it obvious if something is not right allowing the necessary corrective action to be taken before it becomes a problem. Our hands-on approach will give an understanding and enable implementation of the 5S workplace organisation methodology to allow for sustained high standards of housekeeping, information management and ownership of areas. The biggest success from the 5S projects we do those is the sense of pride that is instilled into the organisation as well as it being a great team building activity.
Understanding the Current State
The purpose of the process map is to understand the current state of a process from start to finish – typically from order receipt to delivery to customer.
The completed map will show how information and material flow within the process, where the constraints are and where waste is occurring in the process. Also shown on the map is how and where data is recorded, what KPIs are in place and, from this, where there are gaps in data.
The wastes and opportunities identified will then be prioritised based on their relative value and importance to the company as well as the feasibility of implementation. This will create a list of improvement projects that the team are confident will deliver real value to organisation. Some of these improvement projects will be quick wins whereas others will be bigger, more complex scopes of work requiring significant time, effort and investment. BSmartR can coach and support these projects as required however this is not a substitute for a leadership sponsor within the organisation.
Aligned Future Vision
We begin these sessions by talking about how technology can be used to transform businesses and what could be applicable to your organisation.
We then invite your imagination to run wild and paint a picture of what your company looks like 25 years from now; not just from a technology point of view but what products or services it provides, how people feel working there, what it means to the local community. This is then an anchor point in which to aim for.
Having already established the current state process, the next step is to go into more detail and score elements of where you are today against a number of statements covering six themes – each statement being scored from 1 to 5. The themes are:
- Strategy
- People
- Existing Assets
- Enabling Technologies
- Data
- Systems
The same statements are then scored again however this time based on where the company would like to be 3-5 years from now whilst heading towards its 25 year vision. There will be elements where the gap is high in which case further focus will be applied and will be some where there is no gap which can be put to one side.
The outputs of the Understanding the Current State and the Aligned Future Vision can then form inputs into a roadmap. The Opportunity Prioritisation outputs from the Understanding the Current State is a list of what sub-projects need to be undertaken and the scores from the future vision diagnostic are the gaps that need filled. This road-mapping session defines when and how these are done and validates that each project is linked to the overall 25 year vision. It also considers who is going to be responsible for each identified project along with what skills gaps need to be addressed and what external support is required.
Other Services:
Specification Writing
Where new technologies or equipment projects have been identified, it is important that the specification is fit for purpose and considers the needs of all those who are going to use it. We have seen too many examples of poorly specified projects and the extra effort required and lack of acceptance as a consequence. By using a User Stories methodology of “As a…, I need…, In order to…” BSmartR can support you to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are able to input in to the project.
Project support / coaching
All top performing athletes have a coach, the same should be true for all top performing businesses.
As experienced coaches we can hold regular coaching conversations which the team running improvement projects.